

TM course in the ‘Zink’ in Windhoek, as shacks made of corrugated iron are called by the locals.
TM-Teacher Maria Sakaria giving a public lecture in a village in Namibia
Maria Sakaria and Patrick Kinuthiak

Spreading TM in Namibia

Namibia, the former colony Deutsch-Südwest Afrika, is a very beautiful country on the west coast of Africa.

2015 two Namibian women were trained as TM-Teachers:
Maria Sakaria an Oshivamo
Jacksoline Mberijandja a Herero

As they could not sustain themselves by teaching alone, the spreading of TM moved ahead very slowly.

In order to train the two TM teachers to teach larger groups in villages the Kenyan Patrick Kinuthgiak came to Namibia. He had already taught several thousand Massais Transcendental Meditation.

In a first trial TM was taught to 72 Namibian men/woman.

Kindly support this initiative in Namibia by a one time or regular donation via Stiftung Mehr Transzendenz (Foundation More Transcendence)

For every transfer a tax-deductible ‘Spendenbescheinigung’(Donation Receipt) can be issued.

Please declare as use for the donation: Donation for Namibia-TM-Project

Historical Background

We Germans are indebted towards Namibia. The ethnic tribes that suffered most under German colonial rule before World War I, were the Heroes and the Nama.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

They were during the years 1904 until 1908 almost exterminated.
In this connection please also see: de.wikipedia.org

The German federal government has during the last years more and more, acknowledged that as a fact, if hesitantly. In the discussion about of payment of reparations an important point is, to whom payment should go.
The German government should have an interest in creating a positive effect with these funds that can be easily recognized as such.

In our view this project is very well suited to achieve that. It is only necessary to demonstrate that it works and is not even expensive, while achieving a lot. The idea is to help until the project can be borne out of the budget of the federal government, creating a way to use reparations payments in a meaningful way.


TM for the Massai in Kenya and Tanzania

About two years ago a program was started in Kenya and Tanzania in which mainly women of the Massai tribe were instructed into TM, which became so popular that today even Massai men take an interest in it.

At the time the TM teachers were sponsored by the American TM teacher and businessman Jim Schaefer who has now proposed spreading of TM also in Namibia along the lines of the Kenyan example.

Public TM-lecture for the Massai Tanzania
Group meditation for the Massai in Tanzania

It has become apparent among the Masai in Kenya and Tanzania that the life of the village population is enriched through the practice of TM in a variety of ways, thereby increasing harmony and quality of life in a way that that fits their natural circumstances of life, decreasing the desire to leave village life and move into the slums of the cities.

The idea here is to show with a practical outcome that TM has a harmonizing effect and creates positive influences in many areas of life, leading to a more active and fulfilling life of the rural population, away from alcohol abuse into the direction of a productive agriculture, and well as also more schools in rural areas.

To achieve that in Namibia it is for some time necessary to support the local TM teachers financially.
Here Germany can make a positive contribution that directly goes to that part of the population that suffered most during the colonial times.

After the group meditation

For any questions directly related to this project you are welcome to contact Hartmut Knobloch.
Phone: +49 163 638 6388
Email: hartmut.knobloch@meditation.de

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The initiative More Transcendence for Namibia was started by Hartmut Knobloch.
He was active as TM teacher in southern Africa for 11 years – in Namibia between 22012 and 2019. Since 2020 he is again in Germany, teaching TM and the Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation. He is still the National Director of the TM Organization in Namibia and engages himself for the country from here.
